Research Research Interests: Late medieval and early modern Christianity; the English and continental reformations of the sixteenth century; Lollardy/Wycliffism; heresy and orthodoxy; [...]
Research Professor Welborn’s expertise is the Pauline epistles, particularly in the Greco-Roman context. His specific areas of interest are the Corinthian correspondence, Apostolic Fathers, and [...]
Research Professor Papanikolaou’s areas of expertise are Eastern Orthodox theology, Trinitarian theology, and religion in public life, developing an expertise on the relation between theological [...]
Research Professor Lienhard focuses on Greek and Latin patristics, particularly Origen, Augustine, fourth-century Trinitarian theology, and patristic exegesis. In addition to patristics and [...]
Research Professor Hill Fletcher focuses on how religious identity is constructed and mobilized in a pluralistic world. As a constructive theologian, Professor Hill Fletcher is interested in an [...]
Research Profile Professor Demacopoulos specializes in the history of Christianity in late antiquity, the early medieval west, and Byzantium. His research focuses on (1) the intersection, [...]