Prof. Larry L. WelbornProfessor of Theology


    Professor Welborn’s expertise is the Pauline epistles, particularly in the Greco-Roman context. His specific areas of interest are the Corinthian correspondence, Apostolic Fathers, and First Clement. In his most recent work he has explored Paul’s letters and First Clement in four contexts of Greco-Roman culture: politics, the theater, friendship, and the emotions. A secondary area of research interest is the reception history of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.


    Professor Welborn’s recent courses include Ancient Literature and Paul: Prisoner and Martyr. He teaches regularly in Fordham’s undergraduate honors program, offers the undergraduate introduction to the New Testament, and teaches advanced electives in New Testament and early Christianity. Professor Welborn’s graduate teaching focuses on the epistles of Paul, on the Greco-Roman context of early Christianity, and on the study of ancient Greek.

    Select Publications

    An End to Enmity? Paul and the “Wrongdoer” of Second Corinthians (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2011).

    “Extraction from the Mortal Site: Badiou on the Resurrection in Paul,” New Testament Studies 55 (2009) 1-20.

    Early Patristic Reading of Romans, eds. K. Gaca and L. L. Welborn (London: T & T Clark, 2006).

    Paul, the Fool of Christ: A Study of 1 Corinthians 1-4 in the Comic-Philosophic Tradition (London: T & T Clark, 2005).

    Encounters with Hellenism: Studies in First Clement, eds. C. Breytenbach and L. L. Welborn (Leiden: Brill, 2004).

    “Paul’s Appeal to the Emotions in 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:13; 7:5-16,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 82 (2002) 34-55.



    Fordham University
    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
    Keating 216
    441 East Fordham Road
    Bronx, New York 10458, USA


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