Prof. Jeannine Hill FletcherProfessor of Theology, Th.D. (Fordham University)


    Professor Hill Fletcher focuses on how religious identity is constructed and mobilized in a pluralistic world. As a constructive theologian, Professor Hill Fletcher is interested in an inductive method which begins from “on-the-ground” experience as a point of departure for theological reflection. Her role as Faculty Director of Service-Learning in Fordham’s Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice, along with working with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (in their Undoing Racism training), has led her to investigate intersection of racism and religious diversity in the United States.


    She has recently offered courses in Religion in the Modern World and Religion and Race in America. Professor Hill Fletcher has taught in the undergraduate honors program in Fordham College at Rose Hill. She has offered the required senior seminar for theology majors, “Contemporary Conversations in Theology”, as well as a variety of graduate seminars on theory and method in theology, theological anthropology, and human diversity.

    Select Publications

    Motherhood as Metaphor: Engendering Interreligious Dialogue (New York: Fordham University Press, 2013).

    Monopoly on Salvation? A Feminist Approach to Religious Pluralism (New York: Continuum, 2005).

    “Companions, Prophets, Martyrs: Jesuit Education as Justice Education” in Transforming the World and Being Transformed, ed. Mary Beth Combs and Patty Schmidt (New York: Fordham University Press, Forthcoming 2013).

    “Women in Interreligious Dialogue: Sisterhood is Superfluous” in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue, ed. Catherine Cornille (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).

    “A Definition of ‘Catholic’: Toward a Cosmopolitan Vision” in Catholic Studies, ed. Margaret McGuinness and James Fisher (New York: Fordham University Press, 2011), 129-147.

    “Eschatology” in Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives, ed. Francis Schüssler Fiorenza and John Galvin (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2011), 621-653.



    Fordham University
    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
    Keating 216
    441 East Fordham Road
    Bronx, New York 10458, USA


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