Research Profile
Korean Christianity and Shamanism, Holistic Mission, Mission in Asia, New Movement of Asian Religion and Christian Mission, Korean Missiology, Mission and Art, Mission and Spirituality, Life and Peace in Religious Dialogue
Teaching Profile
Introduction of Missiology, Stduy on Intercultural Mission, Mission and Cultural Anthropology, Contemporary Missiology, Study on the World Religions, Research Method on Missiology
1998-2001 Missionary (Professor of Missiology, Great Commission Theological College (STTAA), Jakarta, Indonesia
2001-Present Professor of Missiology, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
July 24-25, 30-August 1, 2014; July 27-August 7, 2015; July 20-31, 2016 Intensive course, Sydney College of Divinity, Australia
Selected Publications
Der Schamanismus und das Christentum in Korea (Dissertation for the Humboldt Unversität zu Berlin, Germany). Verlag an der Lottbeck, 1993
Church Revitalizing Missiology (Korean). Seoul: PCTS Press, 1993
“Mission als Ausdruck der Selbständigkeit (Korea),” in Zeitschrift für Mission Jg. XX Heft 4 (1994), 199-203
Missiology Reclaiming the Church(2003) (Korean)
“Mission Theology in Dialogue with the Fourth World,” in Eds. Jürgen Thiesbonenkamp, Helgard Cochois, Umwege und Weggefährten: Festschrift für Heinrich Balz zum 65. Geburtstag, Neuendettelsau: Erlanger Verlag für Mission und Ökumene, 2003, 423-439
Life Revitalizing Missiology (Korean). Seoul: PCTS Press, 2013
“A Study on Outline and Orientation of the Public Mission Theology,” Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology Vol. 46 No. 2 (2014. 6), 297-322
Friendship mission meet Passion (Korean). Seoul: Kenosis, 2019
Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Religions (Korean).. Seoul: PUTS Press, 2020
Religious Pluralism and Evangelical Theology of Religions (Korean).. Seoul: Kenosis, 2020
Life-Serving Integral Mission: Understanding and Prospective. Seoul: Kenosis, 2014
oday’s Life Theology. Seoul: Institute of Life Theology, 2013
How do we mission to North Korea? Seoul: Good Tidings, 2013
Ecumenism A-Z: Essential Guidelines for the 10th WCC Busan Assembly. Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2012
“Misiologi Transformasi yang Kontekstual dan Ekumenikal,” PAMBELUM: Jurnal Teologi Kontekstant 6 (2016. 6), 49-70 (Indonesian language)
Office Address:
Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
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