Prof. Hee-Kuk LimHonor Professor of Church History

    Research Profile

    Study on Christoph Blumhardt, Religion in Europe , Study on the history of Socialism (19C~20C), History of Korean Churches in Youngnam Area in Korea

    Teaching Profile

    Perspectives on Protestant theology, European Pietism and Spritual Awakening Movement (18C~20C), The History of Korean Churches, Methodology of the History of the Church

    Selected Publications

    Jesus ist Sieger! bei Fr. Chr. Blumhardt. Keim einer kosmischen Christologie. Basler u. Berner Studien zur historischen u. systematischen Theologie 67.(1996)

    Dong Shin Church ‘Spiritual Movement’ 50 years(2006) (Korean)

    ‘Jesus, the hope of the world, Somang Church  30 years (2007) (Korean)

    90 Years History of the Korean Presbyterian Church(joint author)(2003) (Korean)

    16th-century Reformation and the legacy of Reformerd Churches (joint author)(2003) (Korean)

    History and Theology of the Reformed Church(joint author)(2004) (Korean)

    The Eschatology of the Reformed Church : Kingdom of God and Church (joint author)(2005) (Korean)

    Confession of Faith in the Reformed Church  (joint author)(2007) (Korean)

    The History of Christianity II (joint author)(2007) (Korean)

    21C Korean Church and ecumenical movement (joint author)(2008) (Korean)




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    Prof. Young Dong Kim