Research Profile
Dogmatics and Christian Ethics, Luther Studies, Theological Aesthetics and Hermeneutics, (Re-)Construction of Chinese Theology
Teaching Profile
Teaching at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong since 1993 with emphasis on Christian Dogmatics and Ethics including studies of modern theologies and contextual theologies; in charge of the Institute for Luther Studies in the Asian Context since 2001, offering courses on Luther’s Theology and guided research; mentor of Master and Doctoral students for contextual studies and Luther studies.
Selected Publications
“Who reigns over the World – Martin Luther who changed the History” (in Chinese) in Discerning History: Kairos, Eschaton and Theologians. Hong Kong: VW Link, 2019.
“Lutheran Church, World Christianity” in Encyclopedia of Bible and its Reception, vol. 17. Christine Helmer ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2019.
“Bonhoeffer’s Ethics – an Ethics of Lutheran Origin” (in Chinese) in Guided Reading – Bonhoeffer’s Ethics. Andres Tang ed. Hong Kong: VW Link, 2018.
“Crossing the Border – A Reflection on the Refugee Issue in Hong Kong” in Flucht, Migration und Integration – Eine Anfrage an die christliche Theologie und Diakonie / Flight, Migration and Integration – A Question for Christian Theology and Social Engagement, Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft, Sonderband 2018. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018.
„A Question of Meta-Reformation“ (in Chinese) in Hill Road 39 (2017). Wai-tung CHO ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017.
“Rationalität und Gewissen. Ein Dialogversuch zwischen Theologie und chinesischer Moralphilosophie“ in Rationalität im Gespräch / Rationality in Conversation – Philosophische und theologische Perspektiven / Philosophical and Theological Perspectives. Marburger Theologische Studien, 126. Markus Mühling ed. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016,
“Civil Disobedience – An Impact on the Hong Kong Churches” in Glaube und Denken – Theologie im Spannungsfeld von Kirche und Politik, Theology in Engagement with Church and Politics, Sonderband 2014. Frankfurt a. M: Peter Lang, 2014.
“Luther and Asia” in The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology, Chapter 45, Robert Kolb etc. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
“Lutherrezeption in Asien” in Das Luther-Lexikon. Volker Leppin ed. Regensburg: Bückle & Böhm Verlag, 2014.
“Luther between Theology and Cultural Studies” in Lutherjahrbuch, 80 (2013) Christofer Spehr ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.