Prof. Karen-Marie YustProfessor of Christian Education

    Research Profile

    Prof. Yust’s work focuses on the spiritual formation and transformation of persons across the lifespan and in a variety of roles and settings, with a specialization in children’s spirituality. She is particularly interested in the interplay of ideas and practical strategies arising from cultural studies, human development frameworks, teaching/learning theories and classical spiritual practices.

    Teaching Profile

    Prof. Yust teaches master’s and doctoral level courses in the theory and practice of religious education, as well as interdisciplinary courses in theology and educational theory.

    Selected Publications

    (coauthored with E. Byron Anderson) Taught by God: Teaching and Spiritual Formation. Chalice Press, 2006.

    (edited volume) Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World’s Religious Traditions. Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.

    Real Kids, Real Faith: Practices for Nurturing Children’s Spiritual Lives. Jossey-Bass, 2004.

    Attentive to God: Spirituality in the Church Committee. Chalice Press, 2001.

    “The Toddler and the Community” in Felicity Kelcourse, ed., Faith and Human Development. Chalice Press, 2004.

    “Forming a Critical Imagination” in Religious Studies News: Spotlight on Theological Education. AAR, March 2008.

    “Childhood and spiritual wisdom: constructing a critical conversation for the 21st century,” International Journal of Children’s Spirituality 12:1 (April 2007).

    “Being a Child, Becoming Christian” Lifelong Faith 1:1 (April 2007).

    “Creating an Idyllic World for Children’s Spiritual Formation,” International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 11:1 (March 2006).

    “Sanctification: Intellectual Inquiry and Holy Conformity” in Peter Heltzel, ed., Introduction to Disciples Theology. Chalice Press, 2008.



    Union Theological Seminary and
    Presbyterian School of Christian Education
    3401 Brook Road
    Richmond, VA 23227



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