Prof. Enes KarićProfessor of Qur’anic Studies and History of the Interpretation of the Qur’an

    Teaching Profile

    Qur’an, Muslim Fundamentalism, Philosophy and Philosophy of Shari’a Law

    Selected Publications

    Essays on Bosnia. Sarajevo: Al-Qalam, 2000.

    Semantics of the Holy Qur’an. Sarajevo, 1999.

    Neki aspekti enciklopedije al-Ikhwan al-Safa. Sarajevo, 1986.[Some Aspects of the Epistles of
    the Sincere Brethren]

    Bosna sjete i zaborava. Zagreb, 1997. [The Bosnia of Melancholy and Forgetting]

    (ed. and transl.) Kur’an u savremenom dobu. 2 vol.s, Sarajevo: Bosnian Cultural Centre, 1997. [The Qur’an in the Contemporary Age]

    Hermeneutika Kur’ana. Zagreb, 1990. [The Hermeneutics of the Qur’an]

    (ed. with N. Čančar) Islamski fundamentalizam – Šta je to? Sarajevo, 1990. [Islamic Fundamentalism – What is it?]

    Uvod u tefsirske znanosti. Sarajevo, 1986. [Introduction to Qur’anic sciences]

    “The Interpretation of the Qur’an and the Destiny of the Islamic World,” in: Islamic Studies 36, 5-19 (Islamabad, Pakistan).

    “Islam in Contemporary Bosnia, A Personal Statement,” in: Islamic Studies 36 (1997), 477-482.



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