Prof. Júlio Cézar AdamAssociate Professor of Practical Theology

    Research Profile

    Júlio Cézar Adam has done research in the field of practical theology, specifically within the sphere of Christian worship, liturgy and homiletics, ministry and congregational edification, religious education, spirituality, and topics related to media, pop culture and lived religion, youth behavior and religiosity in the present. In the studies on lived religion he has researched religious behavior in the Pentecostal and Neopentecostal movements, religiosities of African origin, syncretism and religious hybridism, and their influence on Christian worship and society. He is the coordinator of the research group “Christian worship, music and media in contemporaneity.”

    Teaching Profile

    Júlio Cézar Adam is associate professor of Practical Theology at Faculdades EST, in São Leopoldo/RS, Brazil. He did his undergraduate studies in Theology at the Escola Superior de Teologia (Faculdades EST – 1996) and a doctorate in Theology at the University of Hamburg, Germany (2004). He teaches liturgy, homiletics, ministry and congregational edification and spirituality. He has coordinated the Graduate Studies Program of Faculdades EST since 2014.

    Selected Publications

    Preaching promise and hope: models of preaching and lived religion in Latin America. International Journal of Practical Theology, v. 22, p. 174-192, 2018.

    Die Pfingstbewegung in Lateinamerika: theologische, soziale und politische Reflexionen. Evangelische Theologie, v. 78, p. 207-218, 2018.

    Entre peregrinação, turismo e liminaridade: a busca por lugares. HORIZONTE: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, v. 16, p. 66-87, 2018.

    Moving theology: perspectives of practical theology as hermeneutics of lived religion in Brazil. Internacional Academy of Practical Theology Conference Series, v. 1, p. 83-90, 2019.

    Practical Theology in Brazil and Latin America Today: An Attempt to Report. International Journal of Practical Theology, v. 23, p. 274-286, 2019.


    Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol: Lived Religion, Conflict and Intolerance in Brazilian Films. In: GANZEVOORT, Ruard R.; SREMAC, Srdjan (Ed.). Lived Religion and the Politics of (In)Tolerance. Cham: Palgrave, 2017.

    Worship, Mission and Glocal Context in Brazil and Latin America. International Journal of Practical Theology, vol. 21, n. 01, p. 42-57, 2017.

    with STRECK, Valburga Schmiedt; HEBES, N. E. Teologia prática na escola superior de teologia: um legado a ser explorado. Estudos Teológicos, v. 56, p. 227-248, 2016.

    Um Deus com o rosto do Brasil: um estudo exploratório sobre a relação entre imagens e imaginários de Deus na cultura e na pregação evangélico-luterana. Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (Online), v. 14, p. 1298-1322, 2016.

    Arte sequencial e Liturgia: uma reflexão teológico-prática sobre a relação entre o cinema e o culto cristão. Estudos Teológicos, v. 56, n. 1, p. 67-84, 2016.

    Preaching in Transition: A Homiletic Perspective from Latin America and Brazil. International Journal of Homiletics, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.

    Der brasilianische Gott und die lutherische Predigt: Gottesbilder in der lateinamerikanischen Predigt zwischen Befreiungstheologie und lutherischen Konservativismus. In: Alexander Deeg. (Org.). Gottesprojektionen homiletisch: Bilder von Gott in Bibel, Kunst und Predigt. 1ed.Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016. p. 54-71.

    with REBLIN, I. A. (Org.). Religião, Mídia e Cultura. 1. ed. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2015. v. 1. 461p .

    with Ezequiel Hanke. Juventude midiatizada: um estudo sobre as possibilidades de uma religião vivida na e através da mídia. Revista de Teologia e Ciências da Religião da UNICAP, v. 4, p. 213-236, 2014.

    Christian Worship with a Brazilian Face: Dialogue between Culture and Worship as a Way of Caring for and Transforming Life. In: WILKEY, Gláucia Vasconcelos. (Org.). Worship and Culture: Foreign Country or Homeland? Michigan: Eerdmans, 2014, p. 11-31.



    Faculdades EST
    R. Amadeo Rossi 467
    93030-220 São Leopoldo/RS Brazil

    Phone: +555121111400

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    Juri Andreas Reblin