Prof. Iuri Andréas ReblinProfessor of Practical Theology and Religion Studies

    Research Profile

    Theology and Culture, Theology of daily life, Comics Studies, Media and Sequential Art, Pop Culture, Communication, anthropology of religion, languages of religious experience (symbols, myths), scientific methodology on theology and sciences of religion, Religious education, pedagogical practices, pedagogical trends.

    Teaching Profile

    Religion, pop culture and sequential art, media history, media and eclesiastic music management, new technologies and teaching of the Bible, media in education, media and religious marketing, religion and media, research methodology, Comic Books: reading and interpretation, Rubem Alves’ thinking, fundamentals of religion and education in Latin America, inclusive education, fundamentals of education and didactics, teaching methodology, praxis of religious teaching.

    Selected Publications

    [Dictionary entry] ALVES, Rubem, théologien (1933-) In: Maurice Cheza; Luis Martínez Saavedra; Pierre Sauvage (eds.). Dictionnaire Historique de la Théologie de la Libération (Namur: Éditions jésuites, 2017, p. 44-45).

    [Book ed. with Júlio Cézar Adam]. Atravessando o espelho de Alice: estudos sobre religião, cultura pop e mídia. (São Leopoldo: EST, 2017). (Going through Alice’s mirror: studies on religion, pop culture and media).

    [Article] Quadrinhos nas aulas de Ensino Religioso: subsídios e práticas pedagógicas de uma experiência docente. Estudos Teologicos, São Leopoldo, v. 56, p. 12-39, 2016. Accessed on fev. 28th 2018. (Comics in Religious Education: Resources and pedagogical practices of a teaching experience).

    [Book ed. with Júlio Cézar Adam]. Religião, mídia e cultura. (São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2015). (Religion, media and culture).

    [Book] O alienígena e o menino. (Jundiaí: Paco Editorial, 2015). (The alien and the boy).

    [Article]. Hermeneutical perspectives on the theology of daily life in comic book stories. Estudos Teológicos, São Leopoldo, v. 54, p. 125-139, 2014. Available at <>. Accessed on feb. 28th 2018.

    [Book chapter written with Kathlen Luana de Oliveira]. Superman without Borders: The Controversial Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship and its Political Implications for U.S. Soft Power. In: STIVACHTIS, Yannis A. & PRICE, Christopher. (Eds.). Issues in International Politics, Economy, and Governance. 1ed.Athens, Greece: Atiner, 2014, p. 59-73.

    [Book chapter] Theology, Art and Culture: The Paths of the Theology of Daily Life. In: JACOBSEN, Eneida; SINNER, Rudolf von; ZWETSCH, Roberto E.(Eds.). Public Theology in Brazil: Social and Cultural Challenges. (Zürich: Lit Verlag, 2013, p. 131-144).

    [Article] REBLIN, Iuri Andréas. Waves of Liberation Theology: God non-science since Rubem Alves. Protestantismo em Revista, São Leopoldo, v. 27, p. 2-8, 2012. Available at <>. Accessed on feb. 28th 2018.

    [Article in Proceedings] Magic, Mythology and Religion in the Marvel Family Stories. In: Congrès International de Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 2012, Paris. Proceedings of the Paris International Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences Research. Strasbourg (France): Analytrics, 2012. p. 247-253.




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