Prof. A. Elna J. MoutonProfessor of New Testament Studies

    Research Profile

    Prof. Mouton’s specializes in New Testament Studies including the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Gospel according to Mark and the transformative power of the Bible in threshold situations. She is interested in the use of the New Testament in Christian ethics – particularly in redefining the role of women in church and family life. She has extensive experience reading the Bible in the context of various ministries of the church in Africa and has received several invitations to teach internationally.

    Teaching Profile

    Since 2005 she has served as Dean of the Faculty of Theology. However, she views the teaching of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics as central to her task and is still involved in some graduate teaching and extensively in postgraduate supervision. She is an active member of the regular postgraduate seminars in biblical subjects in the faculty.

    Selected Publications

    Reading a New Testament Document Ethically. Academia Biblica 1, Atlanta: SBL 2002/Leiden: Brill 2002.

    “Interpreting the New Testament in Africa: Bernard Lategan on the Threshold of Diverse Theological Discourses,” in C. Breytenbach/ J. Punt et al., eds. The New Testament interpreted. Essays in Honour of Bernard C. Lategan. Leiden: Brill, 2007: 177-198.

    “Remembering Forward and Hoping Backward?; Some Thoughts on Women and the DRC,” in: W. Weisse/C. Anthonissen, ed. Maintaining Apartheid or Promoting Change? The Role of the Dutch Reformed Church in a Phase of Increasing Conflict in South Africa. New York: Waxmann Münster, 2004: 283-292.

    “(Re)Describing Reality? The Transformative Potential of Ephesians Across Times and Cultures,” in A.-J. Levine, ed. A Feminist Companion to Paul: Deutero-Pauline Writings. Sheffield: Continuum, 2003: 60-88.

    “A Rhetoric of Theological Vision? On Scripture’s Reorienting Power in the Liturgy of (Social) Life,” Neotestamentica 35 (2001): 111-127.

    “The Transformative Potential of Ephesians in a Situation of Transition” Semeia 78 (1997): 121-143.



    Theology Faculty
    Stellenbosch University
    171 Dorp Street
    7600 Stellenbosch, South Africa

    Fax: +27 21 808 3251


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    Prof. Jeremy Punt