Prof. Sungwon “Moses” KimProfessor in General Education (Systematic Theology)

    Research Profile

    Systematic Theology, Philosophical Theology, Apologetics & Christian Worldview, Wesleyan Theology, Futurology

    Teaching Profile

    Doctrinal Preaching, Apologetic Preaching, Contemporary Society and Christian Worldview, Futurology, Apologetics, Wesleyan Theology

    Selected Publications

    “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Directions of Ecclesiology” (in Korean language) Young-San Theological Journal (December 2017)

    “N.T. Wright’s Soteriology in Romans – An Evangelical Analysis and Assessment” Korea Reformed Theology, Vol. 52 (Nov. 2016) 8-46

    “N.T. Wright’s Theological Perspective and Methodology – An Evangelical Analysis and Evaluation“ Asbury Journal Vol. 71-2 (2016) 138-155

    “The Challenge of the Capitalistic Globalization and the Christianity” (in Korean language) Korean Journal of Systematic Theology Vol. 37 (Dec. 2013) 75-101

    Gird up the Loins of Salvation (in Korean language) Seoul: Kkot-Ja-Rhee, 2014.

    The Points of Theology Shaping the 21st Century (in Korean language) Seoul: CLSK, 2012.

    “The Ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Philosophy of Whitehead” Korean Journal of Systematic Theology Vol. 26 (June 2010) 163-191

    “A Theory of God-perception Found in Whitehead’s Epistemology” Korean Journal of Christian Studies Vol.66 (Nov. 2009), 131-151

    Social Trinitarian Pneumatology in Process: a Philosophical Pneumatology Based on Jürgen Moltmann’s Pneumatology and Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy, Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont Graduate University, CA, USA, 2005. Ann Arbor: Proquest, 2005.




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