Prof. Niels Henrik GregersenProfessor of Systematic Theology

    Research Profile

    Science and Religion, especially philosophical issues, the theological significance of evolutionary theory (biological and cultural), and computer-aided complexity studies.

    Contemporary theology, esp. concepts of God in 20th century theology, theology of creation; deep incarnation; eschatology; Protestantism, yesterday and today.

    Philosophical and social anthropology concerning risk and risk-taking, gift and generosity.

    The reception of Luther and Reformation theology in the 19th and 20th century.

    Teaching Profile

    Prof. Gregersen teaches courses related to the topics listed above, but also sees teaching as an entry into new research topics, so dialogue with students has a considerable impact on his research.

    Selected Publications

    Incarnation: On the Depth and Scope of Christology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015.

    Information and the Nature of Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Canto Classics), 2014.

    The Gift of Grace: The Future of Lutheran Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005.

    From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

    Design and Disorder: Perspectives from Science & Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2002.

    Rethinking Theology and Science: Six Models for the Current Dialogue. Eerdmans, 1998.

    “Naturalism in the Mirror of Religion: Three Theological Options”, Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences 1:1 (2014), 99-129.

    “Cur deus caro: Jesus and the Cosmos Story” & “God, Information and Complexity: From Descriptive to Explorative Metaphysics”, Theology & Science 11:4, (2013), 370-424 (= The R.J. Russell Lectures 2013, with four responses and reply in the same issue, pp. 424-468).

    “Radical Generosity and the Flow of Grace”, Word – Being – Gift, eds. B.K. Holm and P. Widmann. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2009, 117-144.

    “Risk and Religion: Toward a Theology of Risk Taking”, Zygon 38:2 (2003), 355-376.



    Faculty of Theology
    Købmagergade 44-46, PO 2164
    1150 Copenhagen K., Denmark

    Phone: +45 3532 36 81 / 2089 11 58 (home)



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