Prof. Nico VorsterResearch Professor in Ancient Texts

    Research Profile

    Nico Vorster is a research professor in Systenatic Theology at the North-West University in South Africa. He focuses on the interchange between theological anthropology and social ethics, specifically with regard to the concept of identity and Christian conduct within the public sphere.

    Teaching Profile

    Nico Vorster is teaching an introductory course in theology and a Honneurs course in research methodology. He also acts as supervisor for postgraduate students in the fields of Systematic Theology and Social Ethics.

    Selected Publications

    The brightest mirror of God’s glory. John Calvin’s theological anthropology. Princeton Theological Series. Oregon, Arizona: Pickwick, 2019

    “John Calvin on the status and role of women in church and society.” Journal of Theological Studies 68(1) 2017: 178-211.

    “Navigating plural identities in the South African participatory democracy: A reformed grammar for public dialogue.” Studies in World Christianity 26(2) 2020:175-195.

    “Human Identity, Political Recognition and Social Symbiosis. A Public Theological Perspective.” International Journal of Public Theology 12 (2018): 260-277

    “Land, Group Identities and Competing Justice Values in South Africa: Reformed Perspectives on Embracive Justice and Permeable Identity Formation.” In Luce Verbi 53(11) 2019: 1-7.:



    South Africa

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