Prof. Manfred OemingProfessor of Old Testament Theology

    Research Profile

    Excavations at Ramat Rahel, Jerusalem, Israel (,
    Commentaries on the book of Job and the Psalms,
    The Influence of the Bible on Modern Culture

    Teaching Profile

    Introductory Lectures: Theology of the Old Testament, History of the Old Testament Literature, History of Israel (with a stress on Archaeology), Hermeneutics

    Seminars: Psalms, Job, the Jewish-Christian Relationship, Central Themes in Old Testament Theology

    Selected Publications

    Das Alte Testament als Teil des christlichen Kanons? Studien zu gesamtbiblischen Theologien der Gegenwart. 3. ed. Zürich 2001 (“The Old Testament as Part of the Christian Canon? Studies on Contemporary Theologies Based on the Entire Bible”).

    Das wahre Israel: Die “genealogische Vorhalle” 1 Chr 1-9. BWANT 128. Stuttgart et al., 1990). (“True Israel: The ‘genealogical entrance hall’ 1 Chr. 1-9”).

    (with Ch. Dohmen) Biblischer Kanon – warum und wozu? Eine Kanontheologie. QD 137. Freiburg et al., 1992. (“The Biblical Canon – Why and to What End?”).

    Einführung in die Biblische Hermeneutik. 2. ed., WBG, Darmstadt, 2007 (Contemporary Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction, Aldershot 2006).

    Das Buch der Psalmen, vol. 1: Psalm 1-41. Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar. Altes Testament 13/1. Stuttgart, 2000 (“The Book of Psalms, vol. 1: Psalm1-41”).

    (with K. Schmid) Hiobs Weg. BThSt 45. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2001 (“Job’s Way”).

    Verstehen und Glauben: Exegetische Bausteine zu einer Theologie des Alten Testaments. Bonner Biblische Beiträge 142. Berlin: Philo Verlag, 2003). (“Understanding and Believing: Exegetical Elements of a Theoloy of the Old Testament”).

    (with  O. Lipschits) Judah and the Judaens in the Persian Period. Winona Lake, 2006.

    (with Th. Krüger/K. Schmid/Ch. Uehlinger) Das Buch Hiob und seine Interpreten. AThANT 88, Zürich, 2007 (“The Book of Job and its Interpreters”).



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