Prof. Ingrid SchoberthProfessor of Practical Thelogy (Religious Education)

    Research Profile

    Prof. Schobert’s work is focused on the theological substance of religious learning and how to initiate learning processes which correspond to Christian belief.  In particular, she researches the connection between Christian tradition and learning processes today: How can children participate in the story of God and humanity? How can this story shape the reality of students?  She seeks learning processes which support the development of religious and moral competencies. Christian religion offers forms of life that acknowledge its deeper dimension, so learning processes should provide students with options to live by, though these are always tentative and fragmentary.  Religious education has to show, declare, and discuss in a discursive way the dimension of Christian religion.  More specifically, she is working on a project reflecting the particular structure and content of a theology for and by children, as well as a qualitative-empirical study on moral education at school.

    Teaching Profile

    Religious Education seeks to uncover the preconditions and methods that help teachers carry out religious learning processes at school and in the church.  Theological and analytical competencies are necessary for teachers to lead students when they discover and begin to learn the Christian religion.

    Selected Publications

    Glauben-lernen: Grundlegung einer katechetischen Theologie. Calwer Theologische Monographien C 28, Stuttgart 1998. (“Learning to Believe: Theological Foundations for Religious Education”)

    “Dinge machen, von denen wir nicht wissen, was sie sind: Auf den Spuren ästhetischer Erfahrung im Religionsunterricht,” in W. H. Ritter, ed., Religion und Phantasie: Von der Imaginationskraft des Glaubens. Göttingen, 2000: 115-150. (“Doing things without knowing what they are: Tracing Aesthetic Experiences in Religious Education”)

    “Vom Umgang mit Bildern im Religionsunterricht,” in H. Zschoch, ed., Protestantismus und Kultur: Wirkungen – Spannungen – Perspektiven. Veröffentlichungen der Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal, Neue Folge, Band 6, Wupper­tal: Foedus/Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2001: 133-146. (“On Pictures in Religious Education”)

    “Glauben-lernen heißt eine Sprache lernen – Zur Performance der Heiligen Schrift im Religionsunterricht,” in rhs 45 (2002), 20-31. (“Learning to Believe Means Learning a Language: On Performing Holy Scripture in Religious Education”)

    co-edited with W. Schoberth: Kirche – Ethik – Öffentlichkeit: Christliche Ethik in der Herausforderung. EThD 5, Münster 2002. (“Church – Ethics – The Public Sphere: Christian Ethics in the Face of a Challenge”)

    Leonardo da Warhol: Spurensuche des Heiligen im Religionsunterricht. Stuttgart, 2004. (“Leonardo da Warhol: Tracing the Holy in Religious Education”)

    “…und muss ein Kind und Schüler des Katechismus bleiben und bleib’s auch gerne – die Praxis des Glauben-lernens im Kleinen Katechismus als Impuls für den Religions­unterricht,” in: N. Dennerlein et al., eds., Die Gegenwartsbedeutung der Katechismen Martin Luthers. Gütersloh, 2005: 78-95. (“… and Needs to Remain a Child and Student of the Catechism and Does so Willingly – The Praxis of Learning to Believe in Luther’s Small Catechism as an Impulse for Religious Education”)

    “Wie man in der Welt menschlich sein und bleiben kann: Der Beitrag religiöser Bildung in der Postmoderne,” in HdJb 49 (2005), 97-125. (“How to Be and Remain Human in the World: The Contribution of Religious Education in Postmodernism”)

    together with H. Schwier/W. Drechsel/H. Schmidt, “Raum geben: Bedeutung des Raumes für Gottesdienst, Seelsorge, Bildung und Diakonie,” in H. Schwier, ed., Geöffnet. Raum und Wort in der Heidelberger Universitätskirche. (Frankfurt/Main 2006), 195-223. (“Making Space: The Meaning of Space for Worship”)

    ed., Wahrnehmung der christlichen Religion: FS für Christoph Bizer zum 70. Geburtstag. Münster, 2006. (“Perception of the Christian Religion”)



    Praktisch-Theologisches Seminar
    Karlstr. 16
    69117 Heidelberg, Germany

    Phone: +49 (0) 6221 – 54 33 33


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