Prof. Dawn DeVriesProfessor of Systematic Theology

    Research Profile

    Prof. DeVries’s research interests include Reformation theology with a specialization in the thought of John Calvin, 19th century theology, the thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher, feminist theology, religion and childhood studies, and theology of preaching.

    Selected Publications

    Servant of the Word: Selected Sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher. transl. and ed. by D. DeVries, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.

    Jesus Christ in the Preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.

    ed. with B. A. Gerrish, The New Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, forthcoming.

    “”Schleiermacher’s Christmas Eve Dialogue: Bourgeois Ideology of Feminist Theology?” Journal of Religion 69 (1989): 169-183.

    “Creation and Handicappism,” in Reconstructing Christian Theology, Rebecca Chopp and Mark Kline Taylor, eds. Minneapolis: Fortress Press (1994): 124-140.

    “’Be Converted and Become as Little Children’: Friedrich Schleiermacher on the Religious Significance of Childhood,” in Children in Christian Thought, Marcia J. Bunge, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001: 329-349, 484-485.

    “The Living God: The Problem of Divine Personality in Reformed Theology,” in Reformed Theology for the Third Christian Milennium, B. A. Gerrish, ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press (2003): 61-81.

    “Calvin’s Preaching,” in The Cambridge Companion to Calvin, Donald McKim, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004: 106-124.

    “Providence and Grace: Schleiermacher on Justification and Election,” in The Cambridge Companion to Friedrich Schleiermacher, Jacqueline Mariña, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005: 189-207.

    “’Ever to Be Reformed According to the Word of God’: Can the Scripture Principle be Redeemed for Feminist Theology?”  in Feminist and Womanist Essays in Reformed Dogmatics, A. Plantinga and  Pauwand/Serene Jones, eds. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006: 40-57.



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    Presbyterian School of Christian Education
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    Richmond, VA 23227



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