Prof. Robert R. VoslooProfessor of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology (Church History)

    Research Profile

    Prof Robert Vosloo’s research interests include Reformed theology; South African church and theological history; philosopical and theological discourses on memory, hospitality, and recognition; the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

    Teaching Profile

    Teaching includes courses on Reformation History, 19th and 20th century Church History, Systematic Ecclesiology, Reformed Confessions and South African Church History.

    Selected Publications

    Reading Bonhoeffer in South Africa after the Transition to Democracy: Selected Essays (co-authored with Nico Koopman). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2020.

    “Touch Gives Rise to Thought: Paul Ricoeur and Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela on Mutual Recognition and Carnal Hermeneutics.” In: Daniël P. Veldsman & Yolande Steenkamp, Debating Otherness with Richard Kearney: Perspectives from South Africa. Durbanville: AOSIS, 2018:273-285.

    “Time, Memory and the Search for a Responsible Engagement with the Past.” In: Lars Charbonnier, Johan Cilliers, Matthias Mader, Cas Wepener, Birgit Weyel (eds.), Pluralisation and Social Change: Dynamics of Lived Religion in South Africa and in Germany. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018.

    Reforming Memory: Essays on South African Reformed Church and Theological History. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, 2017.

    Reformed Churches in South Africa and the Struggle for Justice: Remembering 1960-1990 (co-edited with Mary-Anne Plaatjies-Van Huffel). Stellenbosch: Sun Press, 2013

    “Hospitality and Truth-Telling: Revisiting the Legacy of Beyers Naudé,” in L. Hansen/R. Vosloo, ed.  Oom Bey for the Future: Engagements with the Witness of Beyers Naudé. Stellenbosch: Sun Media, 2006: 129-136.

    “Body and Health in the Light of the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,”  Religion and Theology 13 (2006): 23-37.

    “Archiving Otherwise: Some Remarks on Memory and Historical Responsibility,” Studia Historiae Ecclesiastica 30 (2005): 379-399.

    “Identity, Otherness and the Triune God: Theological Groundwork for an Ethic of Hospitality,”  Journal of Theology for Southern Africa (2004): 69-89.

    “Public Morality and the Need for an Ethos of Hospitality,” Scriptura (2003): 63-71.

    “The Gift of Participation: On the Triune God and the Moral Life,” Scriptura (2002): 93-103.

    “Reconciliation as the Embodiment of Memory and Hope,” Journal of Theology of Southern Africa 109 (2001): 25-40.

    “The Promise of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theological Anthropology for Reconfiguring Holiness,” in: C. Gremmels/W. Huber, ed. Religion im Erbe: Dietrich Bonhoeffer und die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Christentums. Güterloh: Kaiser, 2002: 125-143.



    Faculty of Theology
    Stellenbosch University
    171 Dorp Street
    7600 Stellenbosch
    South Africa

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