Prof. Qu XutongAssociate Professor

    Research Profile

    German Modern Theology (Karl Barth and others), Classical Metaphysics, Philosophical Theology, Philosophy of Religion (Heraclitus, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and Heidegger), History of Chinese Christian Thought

    Teaching Profile

    History of Modern Christian Theology (Karl Barth), Metaphysics (Marin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche), Ancient Greek Philosophy (Heraclitus, Parmenides), Social Theory (Niklaus Luhmann)

    Selected Publications

    Kritischer müsste Kants Kritik sein: Eine nachkantische Interpretation von Barths Beziehung zu Kant unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionskritik Barths, Festschrift für Günter Thomas, forthcoming 2020.

    “Gleichnis wagen”: Karl Barth’s Political Theology and its Meaning for the Church-State Relationship in Mainland China Today, in: Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Höfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic, forthcoming 2020.

    A Critical Survey of Karl Barth’s Goethe-Reception, Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, 153-171.

    A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, No. 41, Spring 2019, 9-18.

    After Nietzsche: How Can We Do Sino-Christian Theology Today, Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology 50 (2019), 155-182.

    “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Why and How To Remember the 550th Anniversary of Reformation, Explorations and Free Views (10), 2017, 86-91 (in Chinese).



    Department of Philosophy
    School of Humanities
    Tsinghua University
    Beijing, 100084, PRC.


    Phone: +86 15010482882

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