Prof. YongHan ChungProfessor, New Testament Studies

    YongHan Chung is a professor of United Graduate School of Theology at Yonsei University (New Testament Studies) and is serving as a chaplain. He started to study theology at Yonsei and received M.Div. , S.T.M. at Yale Divinity School and Ph.D. at Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, CA. He used to teach at MyungJi University at Seoul and Hannam University at Daejeon before he joined Yonsei University in 2017. He teaches “Introduction to Christianity”, “Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation”, and “Yonsei and Korean Christianity” etc.

    Research Area

    Synoptic Gospels, Apocalyptic Literature, Rabbinic Tradition, Postcolonial Hermeneutics.



    • Chung, Yong-Han. “The Temple of Men (mda cdqm) in 4QFlorilegium (4Q174).” 「Korean Journal of Christian Studies」 87 (2013): 59-79.
    • Chung, Yong-Han. “2 Baruch’s Consolation for the Destruction of the Temple.” 「Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology」 47/3 (2015): 35-57.
    • Chung, YongHan. “A Postcolonial Reading of the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20) with a Korean Myth.” Theology Today 72/3 (2015): 276-288.
    • Chung, YongHan. “Jesus’ Identity and the Conflict with the Opponents in the Lukan Narrative (Luke 19:11-21:38).”「Theological Forum」 82 (2015): 191-220.
    • Chung, Yong-Han. “The Weeping Women in the Asian Context: a Postcolonial Feminist Reading of Luke 7:36-50.” 「Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology」 50/4 (2018): 35-57.
    • Chung, Yong-Han. “Jesus’ Raising the Temple in John 2:13-22: Johannine High Christology.” 「Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology」 54/4 (2022): 7-32.
    • Chung, Yong-Han. “A Reflection for “Anyone Unwilling to Work” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) from the Perspective of Basic Income,” in Basic Income in Korea and Beyond: Social, Economic, and Theological Perspectives (Palgrave, 2023), 43-65.
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    Hochul Kwak