Prof. Wendy Cotter, C.S.J.Professor of New Testament and First Generation Christianity

    Research Profile

    Miracle Narratives,  Parables,  Lukan sondergut,  Greco-Roman culture, Social Dynamics and Economic Systems in the Imperial Period.

    Teaching Profile

    Synoptic Gospels, Q, Gospel of Mark, Miracle Narratives,  Parables, New Testament,  Popular Religious Trends in Greco-Roman Antiquity.

    Selected Publications

    The Christ of the Miracle Stories: Portrait Through Encounter. Peabody, PA: Hendrickson (Forthcoming, 2010).

    “‘Welcome Him as You Would Welcome Me,’ Philemon 17: Does Paul Call for Virtue or the Actualization of a Vision?” in: P. Walters (ed.): Kairos and Kronos: The Promise within and beyond this Age. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2011.

    “Christopher Tuckett and the question of Q,”in: Timothy Larson (ed.): Biblical Scholarship in the Twentieth Century: The Rylands Chair of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester 1904-2004. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 86 (2004), 141-174.

    “Miracle Stories: The God Asclepius, the Pythagorean Philosophers, and the Roman Rulers,” in: A. J. Levine/D. C. Allison Jr. (ed.): The Historical Jesus in Context. Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2006, 166-179.

    “The Feisty Widow and the Threatened Judge,” New Testament Studies 51 (2005), 328-343.

    “Mark’s Hero of the Twelfth Year Miracles: The Healing of the Woman with the Hemorrhage and and the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter (Mk 5:21-42),” in: A. J. Levine (ed.): Mark: A Feminist Companion. Sheffield: Sheffield Press, 2001, 54-78.

    “Greco-Roman Apotheosis Traditions and the Resurrection Appearances in Matthew,” in: David E. Aune (ed.): The Gospel of Matthew in Current Study. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000, 128-154.

    “Cornelius, the Roman Army and Religion,” in: T. L. Donaldson (ed.): Religious Rivalries and Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima. Studies in Christianity and Judaism/Études sur Le Christianisme et Le Judaïsme 8. Waterloo, Canada: Laurier University Press, 279-301.

    The Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Source-Book. London: Routledge, 1999.



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