Research Profile
Sarah Coakley is a philosopher of religion and systematic theologian previously at Harvard Divinity School, Oxford, and Princeton Universities. Prof. Coakley is currently working on a systematic theology, which is marked by a strong interdisciplinary commitment, a concern for philosophical engagment, and a repristination of neglected themes from patristic and early modern sources. Her interest in questions of gender and theology is reflected in a number of recent writings. She has been appointed as the 2011-12 Gifford Lecturer.
Teaching Profile
Prof. Coakley’s lecture-courses and seminars are on philosophy of religion and ethics (‘Metaphsyics’, ‘On the Very Idea of Philosophical Theology’, seminars on religious epistemology, feminist and sexual ethics). She works closely with Drs. Douglas Hedley and Catherine Pickstock in philosophical theology, and also with colleagues in systematic theology (Prof.s Ford, Soskice).
Selected Publications
Powers and Submissions: Spirituality, Philosophy and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.
(ed.) Re-Thinking Gregory of Nyssa. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
(ed.) The God of Nicaea: Disputed Questions in Patristic Trinitarianism. Harvard Theological Review, April, 2007.
(ed. with K. Kaufman Shelemay) Pain and Its Transformations: The Interface of Biology and Culture. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2007.
(ed. with S. Wells) Praying for England: Priestly Presence in Contemporary Culture. London, Continuum, 2008.
(ed wtih Ch. M. Stang) Re-Thinking Dionysius the Areopagite. Oxford, Wiley/Blackwell, 2009.
God, Sexuality and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ (vol 1 of the systematics). Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
(ed. with M. A. Nowak) Evolution, Games and God: The Principle of Cooperation. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, forthcoming).
The Broken Body: Israel, Christ and Fragmentation. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, projected for 2011.
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