Prof. Samuel E. BalentineProfessor of Old Testament

    Research Profile

    Current projects: reception history of the Book of Job; commentary on Lamentations; ethics and the moral vision of the OT; seeing and hearing scripture with artists, musicians, and poets.

    Teaching Profile

    Biblical interpretation (with emphasis on Torah and Wisdom Literature); Biblical theology; Hermeneutics (with particular attention to reception history).

    Selected Publications

    The Hidden God. Oxford, 1983.

    Prayer in the Hebrew Bible. Fortress, 1993.

    Language, Theology and the Bible:  Essays in Honour of James Barr. Oxford, 1994.

    “The Politics of Religion in the Persian Period,” in After the Exile: Essays on Biblical Interpretation, J. Barton, ed. Mercer University Press, 1996: 129-146.

    “What are Human Beings, That You Make So Much of Them?” in God in the Fray: A Tribute to Walter Brueggemann. T. Linafelt and T. Beal, eds. Fortress, 1998: 259-278.

    The Torah’s Vision of Worship. Fortress, 1999.

    Leviticus. Interpretation Commentary Series. John Knox, 2002.

    “The Emergence of Scripture,” in Judaism From Moses to Muhammed, J. Neusner, A. Avery-Peck, Wm. Scott Green, eds. Brill, 2005: 53-78.

    “I Was Ready to Be Sought Out By Those Who Did Not Ask,” and “Afterword,” in Seeking the Favor of God. Vol.1: The Origins of Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism, M. Boda, D. Falk, R. Werline, eds. Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.

    “Inside the Sanctuary of Silence: The Moral and Ethical Demands of Suffering,” in Character and Ethics in the Torah: Moral Dimensions of Scripture, M.D. Carroll, J. Lapsley, ed. Westminster John Knox, 2007: 63-80.

    Job. Smyth and Helwys, 2007.



    Union Theological Seminary and
    Presbyterian School of Christian Education
    3401 Brook Road
    Richmond, VA 23227


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