Prof. Regine Hunziker-RodewaldProfessor of Old Testament Studies, History of the Ancient Near East

    Research Profile

    •    The pragmatics of communication in Old Testament texts
    •    The Bible in its Ancient Near Eastern context
    •    Levantine Iconography (project: Creation of a Standard Model for the Digital Documentation, Virtual Reconstruction and Sustainable Archiving of Ancient Art Objects in Open Access)
    •    Semitic Lexicography and Etymology
    •    The Reception History of Old Testament Texts

    Teaching Profile

    •    Old Testament Exegesis and Theology (specialization: Historical Books, Prophets, Psalms)
    •    Ancient Northwest Semitic inscriptions, seals and texts (major: Epigraphic Hebrew, Transjordanian languages, Aramaic, Phoenician)
    •    Cultural History of the Ancient Near East, with particular reference to iconography
    •    Monotheism

    Selected Publications

    “And God … Created Woman”: Imagined in Terms of a Molding Process. In Eigensinn und Entstehung der Hebräischen Bibel. Erhard Blum zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, ed. J.J. Krause, W. Oswald und K. Weingart, FAT 136, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020, 477-496.

    Conception, grossesse et accouchement. L’enchantement des figurines du Levant Sud à l’âge du fer. In Figurines féminines nues. Proche-Orient, Égypte, Nubie, Méditerranée orientale, Asie centrale (VIIIe millénaire av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes du colloque international, Strasbourg 25-26 juin 2015, ed. S. Donnat, R. Hunziker-Rodewald and I. Weygand, Paris : Éditions de Boccard, 2020, 251-265.

    RTI Images for Documentation in Archeology: The Case of the Iron Age Female Terracotta Figurines from Buṣayra, Jordan, with Peter Fornaro, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies (JEMAHS, Jordan volume) vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, 188-204.

    Tonfigurinen als Marker von Kulturkontakt: ein Fallbeispiel, Welt des Orients 47/1 (2017) Traders and the Exchange of Religious Ideas: Case Studies of Material Evidence, 66-105.

    Thrones in Sheol: An Ancient Near Eastern Motif in Isaiah 14:9. In Iconographic Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. An Introduction to Its Theory, Method, and Practice, ed. I. de Hulster et al., Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, 165-180.

    Blessings for the Overlord! Another Ammonite Seal. In Visions of Life in Biblical Times. Essays in Honor of Meir Lubetski, ed. C.. Gottlieb et al., Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2015, 151-176.

    «Sodome. Sur les traces de Loth dans la Bible hébraïque », Graphè 25 (2016), p. 15-37

    “The Shihan Stele Reconsidered” (en collaboration avec R. Deutsch), Bible et Proche- Orient II. Mélanges André Lemaire (éd. J. Elayi et J.-M. Durand), Transeuphratène 45/II, p. 51-67, pl. VI-X.

    Hardmeier, C./Hunziker, R., “Texttheorie und Texterschliessung. Grundlagen einer empirisch-textpragmatischen Exegese”, in H. Utzschneider/E. Blum (eds.), Lesarten der Bibel. Untersuchungen zu einer Theorie der Exegese des Alten Testaments, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, p.13-44.

    « ‘Ruisselant de lait et de miel’. Une expression reconsidérée », Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 93/1, 2013, p. 135-144.





    Faculté de Théologie Protestante
    9 place de l’université
    Palais Universitaire, Bureau 12
    67084 Strasbourg

    Phone: +33677168380



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    Prof. Karsten Lehmkühler