Dr. Mary Rute Gomes EsperandioProfessor of Spirituality and Health; Themes of Theology and Psychology


    My research area is interdisciplinary in nature, comprising theology, psychology, and bioethics, with a focus on spirituality and health mainly in the context of Palliative Care and of Mental Healthcare ((themes: spiritual care; spiritual/religious coping; spiritual/religious struggles, attachment to God, decision making, care ethics).


    Spirituality and Health; Bioethics, Palliative Care and End of Lfe Care; Themes on Theology and Psychology.


    Esperandio, Mary, and Carlo Leget. 2020. “Spirituality in palliative care in Brazil: an integrative literature review.” REVER – Revista de Estudos da Religião 20 (2): 29–45.

    Esperandio, Mary, Carlo Leget, Mary Esperandio, and Carlo Leget. 2020. “Spirituality in Palliative Care: A Public Health Issue?” Revista Bioética 28 (3): 543–53. https://doi.org/10.1590/1983-80422020283419.

    August, Hartmut, and Mary R. G. Esperandio. 2019. “Attachment to God: An Integrative Review of Empirical Literature” 17 (53): Horizonte 1039–72. https://doi.org/10.5752/P.2175-5841.2019v17n53p1039.

    Esperandio, Mary Rute Gomes, Hartmut August, Juan José Camou Viacava, Stefan Huber, and Márcio Luiz Fernandes. 2019. “Brazilian Validation of Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS-10BR and CRS-5BR).” Religions 10 (9): 508. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel10090508.

    Esperandio, Mary Rute Gomes, Fabiana Thiele Escudero, Lucille Fanini, and Elaine Pinheiro Neves de Macedo. 2019. “Envelhecimento e Espiritualidade: O Papel Do Coping Espiritual/Religioso Em Idosos Hospitalizados.” Interação Em Psicologia 23 (2). https://doi.org/10.5380/psi.v23i02.65381.

    Esperandino, Mary Rute Gomes, Machado, Gas. (2018). Brazilian Physicians’, Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Patients’ Spirituality: Implications for Clinical Practice. Journal of Religion & Health, v. 57, p. 1-16. DOI 10.1007/s10943-018-0707-y

    Esperandino, Mary Rute Gomes, Escudero, FT; Fernades, M; Pargament, K. (2018). Brazilian Validation of the Brief Scale for Spiritual/Religious Coping-SRCOPE-14. Religions, v.9, p.31. DOI 10.3390/rel9040103

    August, H.; Esperandino, Mary Rute Gomes.; Escudero, FT. Brazilian Validation of the Attachment to God Inventory (IAD-Br) (2018). Religions, v.9, p.103 – 124. DOI 10.3390/rel9040103

    Hefti, R.; Esperandino, Mary Rute Gomes (2016). The Interdisciplinary Spiritual Care Model – A holistic Approach to Patient Care. Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, v.14, p.13. DOI 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2016v14n41p13-47

    Esperandino, Mary Rute Gomes; LADD, K. (2015). I Heard the Voice. I Felt the Presence-: Prayer, Health and Implications for Clinical Practice. Religions, v.6, p.670 – 685. DOI 10.3390/rel6020670

    Esperandio, Mary Rute Gomes, and Luciana Fernandes Marques. 2015. “The Psychology of Religion in Brazil.” The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 25 (4): 255–71. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508619.2014.952189.



    Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUCPR
    Rua Imaculada Conceição 1155

    Phone: +5541992298339

    Fax: + 554132711359

    Email: mary.esperandio@pucpr.br


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