Prof. John PainterProfessor of Theology

    Research Profile

    Jewish Christian relations in the first and second centuries ce. Judaism, Christianity, and Gnosticism in the Hellenistic age. Hermeneutics and Christian Theology in the first and second centuries ce and in the face of the modern challenges of multiculturalism in a shrinking world, and the ecological crisis caused by the human population explosion, the destruction of earths diverse habitats, and the pollution of earth, sea, and atmosphere.
    Early Judaism; Early Christianity; Contemporary Christian Thought.

    Teaching Profile

    Early Judaism from the third century bce to the third century ce with special attention to Qumran and its Library, the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism, and Hellenistic Judaism with special attention to Philo; Early Christianity to the fifth century, with special attention to the NT, Ignatius, Justin, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Eusebius.
    Interaction of Early Christianity and Contemporary Christian Thought.

    Selected Publications

    Just James: The Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition, Columbia: University of South Carolina, 2004, pp. xxxi+399.

    James. Paideia, Grand Rapids: Baker Academic. 2012

    “The Fourth Gospel and the Founder of Christianity: the place of historical tradition in the work of C.H. Dodd” in Tom Thatcher and Catrin H. Williams, Editors, Engaging with C.H. Dodd on the Gospel of John. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 257-284.

    “The Prologue as an Hermeneutical Key to Reading the Fourth Gospel,” in Joseph Verheyden, Geert Van Oyen, Michael Labahn, Reimund Bieringer, Editors, Studies in the Gospel of John and its Christology: Festschrift Gilbert Van Belle. Leuven: Peeters, 2014, pp. 37-60.

    “The Prologue of John: Bridge into a New World,” in Bible, Borders, and Belongings: Engaging Readings from Oceana, edited by Jione Havea, David J. Neville, and Elaine M. Wainwright. Atlanta: SBL, 2014, pp. 73-92.

    “Mark and the Pauline Mission” in Pail and Mark: Comparative Essays Part 1, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2014, pp. 527-553.

    “The Generosity of God in the World: Preaching from John, 1 John and James.” In St Mark’s Review 219/1 (February 2012), 35-51.

    “A New Climate: The Theologian as a Biblical Interpreter,” in Embracing Grace: The Theologian’s Task: Essays in Honour of Graeme Garrett. Edited by Heather Thomson. Canberra: Barton Books, 2009, pp. 51-66.

    “’The Light Shines in the Darkness…’ Creation, Incarnation, and Resurrection in John” in The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John edited by Craig Koester and Reimund Bieringer, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008, pp. 21-46.

    “The Incarnation as a New Testament Key to an Anglican Public and Contextual theology” in St Mark’s Review 203 (Nov. 2007), 61-70.



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