Prof. JIANG LuLecturer in Philosophy

    Research Profile

    Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Aristotle and Aristotelism, Kant

    Selected Publications

    Ockhams Theorie der Modalitäten: Metaphysische, natürliche und historische Notwendigkeit, Berlin: Logos, March 2016 (in German).

    Das Schematismuskapitel in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, München: AVM Verlag, 2013 (in German).

    The Goodnes of Human Nature in Matteo Ricci’s Catechismus Sinicus and its scholastic background, in Modern Philosophy, 2016 Issue 7, pp. 81-87 (in Chinese).

    Interpersonal Connectedness and Transcendence of Person in Eastern and Western Culture, in Transcending Boundaries. Practical Philosophy from Intercultural Perspective, edited by Walter Schweidler, St. Augustin: 2015 , pp. 123-144 (in English).

    Ockhams Modal Syllogism and His Transformation and Development of Aristotle’s Modal Logic, in World Philosophy, 2015 Issue 6, pp. 112-129 (in Chinese).

    Co-authored with Christian Erbacher, Wittgenstein and Occam. A Philosophical Conversation, in Philosophy Now, 111 (Dec.2015/Jan.2016), pp. 30-33 (in English).

    Two Sides of the Concept of Free Will in Kant’s Philosophy: Practical Reason and Free Choice, in Collected Essays in Social Sciences, 2015 Issue 3, pp. 5-12 (in Chinese).

    The Law of Non-Contradition of Aristotle: A Logical or a Metaphysical Principlem,in World Philosophy, 2014 Issue 4, pp. 124-132 (in Chinese).

    (ed. with Michael Neecke): Historisches Verstehen als Vision und Reminiszenz, Berlin: Parodos, 2015.





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    Prof. Thierry Meynard, S.J.