Prof. Jens SchröterProfessor of New Testament and Ancient Christian Apocrypha

    Research Profile

    • Historical Jesus
    • Canonical and noncanonical Texts of early Christianity
    • Paul
    • Acts of the Apostles
    • History of early Christianity
    • Theology of the New Testament


    Teaching Profile

    • Introduction to the New Testament
    • Paul: Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Biography and Theology of Paul
    • Gospels and Acts: Matthew, Luke-Acts
    • Theology of the New Testament
    • History of early Christianity


    Selected Publications

    • Entstehung der Bibel. Von den ersten Texten zu den heiligen Schriften (together with Konrad Schmid), München, September 2019, (third edition 2020, paperback edition 2022).
      • English translation: The Making of the Bible. From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture, Cambridge, MA/London, UK: Harvard University Press, 2021.
    • French translation: Aux origines de la Bible. Des premiers textes aux saintes Écritures, Genève: Labor et Fides, 2021.
      • Portugese translation: O surgimento da Bíblia. Dos primeiros textos às Sagradas Escrituras, Petrópolis: Editora Vozes/São Leopoldo, Rs: Editora Sinodal, 2023.
    • Die apokryphen Evangelien. Jesusüberlieferungen außerhalb der Bibel, München 2020.
      • English translation: The Apocryphal Gospels. Jesus Traditions outside the Bible (Early Christian Apocrypha 9), Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2021.
      • French translation: Les Évanglies Apocryphes. Jésus en dehors de la Bible, Genève: Labor et Fides, 2022.
    • Jesus. Leben und Wirkung, München 2020.
    • Jesus von Nazaret. Jude aus Galiläa – Retter der Welt (Biblische Gestalten 15), Leipzig 2006; 6. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2017.
      • English translation: Jesus of Nazareth Jew from Galilee – Savior of the World, translated by Wayne Coppins, Waco (TX): Baylor University Press, 2014.
      • French translation: Jésus de Nazareth A la recherche de l’homme de Galilée, Genf: Labor et Fides, 2018.
    • Jews and Christians – Parting Ways in the First Two Centuries CE? Reflections on the Gains and Losses of a Model (together with Benjamin A. Edsall und Joseph Verheyden; BZNW 253), Berlin/Boston 2021.
    • The Composition, Theology, and Early Reception of Matthew’s Gospel (together with Joseph Verheyden und David C. Sim; WUNT 477), Tübingen 2022.
    • Paulusmemoria und Paulusexegese. Römische Begegnungen (together with Jörg Frey und Martin Wallraff; Rom und der Protestantismus 5), Tübingen 2023.



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