Prof. Jean-Pierre BastianProfessor of Sociology of Religion

    Research Profile

    I am working on religious changes in Latin America related to the growth of Pentecostal Movements. I analyze them in a sociological perspective in relation to societies’ development and social changes, politics and ethnicity. In the grander scheme of things, I am looking for comparative perspectives on the process of religious transformation in Latin Europe in order to challenge secularization theories and to redefine the interpretation of religion in late modernity.

    Teaching Profile

    My teaching focusses on Pentecostalism by analyzing social changes, religious minorities and the typology of religious organizations. At a graduate level, my teaching activities cover courses on religion in contemporary Europe and on theoretical approaches of religion by concepts like secularization and laicization. Further courses and seminars are supplied on religion and economics and on religion, nation and ethnicity respectively.

    Selected Publications

    Le protestantisme en Amérique latine, une approche socio-historique, Genève, Labor et fides.

    La mutación religiosa de América Latina, para una sociología del cambio social en la modernidad periférica, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 3rd ed.2011.

    ed. with U. Fanger et al: Religiöser Wandel in Costa Rica. Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Interpretation. Mainz: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2001.

    ed., La modernité religieuse en perspective comparée: Europe latine-Amérique latine. Paris, Karthala, 2001.

    La recomposition des protestantismes en Europe latine, entre émotion et tradition, J-P Bastian (sous la, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2004.

    ed. with F.Messner: Les minorités religieuses en Europe, approches sociologiques et juridiques. Paris, PUF, 2007.

    ed.: Pluralisation religieuse et logique de marché. Berne/Frankfort, Peter Lang Verlag, 2007.

    ed.: Religions, valeurs et développement dans les Amériques. Paris, L’Harmattan (Coll. Logiques sociales),  2007.

    ed.: Les effets sociaux et politiques de l’action missionnaire chrétienne, Afrique/Amérique latine, Social Sciences and missions/Sciences sociales et missions, November 2007.

    ed.: Le monopole catholique en question, Problèmes d’Amérique latine, La documentation française, No.80, 2011.





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