Prof. Hille HakerRichard McCormick Endowed Chair of Catholic Moral Theology

    Research Profile

    Foundational Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics and Literature, Feminist Ethics, Christian Social Ethics

    Teaching Profile

    New Approaches to Christian Ethics: Hermeneutics in Ethics, Narrative Ethics, Human Rights and Responsibility
    Concepts of the Self and Moral Identity; the Question of Otherness
    Questions in Social and Political Ethics: Justice, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Solidarity, Belonging and Citizenship, Ethics in Economics
    Bioethics and Ethics in New Technologies: Reproductive Medicine and Genetic Diagnosis
    Narrative Ethics and Ethics in Literature: Contemporary German novels
    Feminist Ethics: Gender and Identity, Women’s Rights, Feminist Bioethics and Gender Studies, Critical Analysis of the “Gift-Discourse”
    Decolonial Ethics
    Recognition and Responsibility

    Selected Publications

    Towards A Critical Political Ethics. Catholic Ethics and Social Challenges. Studien zur Theologischen Ethik 156, Berlin (Schwabe) 2020.

    Hauptsache gesund? Ethische Fragen der Pränatal- und Präimplantationsdiagnostik, München: Kösel, 2011.

    ed. with M. Greening: Unaccompanied Minors and the Ethics of Child Migration. Social, legal, and ethical perspectives: Lexington: Lanham, 2019.

    ed. with D. Beyleveld: The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation: Aldershot, Ashgate 2000.

    ed. with A. Torres Queiruga and M. Th. Wacker: The Return of Apocalypticism: Concilium 50,3: 2014..

    ed. with C.L. Susin and E. Messi: Postcolonial Theology Concilium: 49,2: 2013.

    ed. with L. Cahill and E. Messi: Natural Law – A controversy. Concilium 46,3: 2010.

    Towards a Decolonial Narrative Ethics, Reprinted in: Adam Zachary Newton (ed.): Ethics and Literary Practice: Basel 2020: MDPI, 2020, 72-102. (

    Habermas and the Question of Bioethics. In: European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11/4: 2019, 61-86

    A Social Bioethics of Genetics. In: Therese Lysaught, Michael McCarthy: Catholic Bioethics and Social Justice. The Praxis of US Healthcare in a Globalized World. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Academic Press, 2018, 389-403.

    Ethik der genetischen Frühdiagnostik: Sozialethische Reflexionen zur Verantwortung am Beginn des menschlichen Lebens. Paderborn: Mentis, 2002.

    Moralische Identität: Literarische Lebensgeschichten als Medium ethischer Reflexion. Mit einer Interpretation der “Jahrestage” von Uwe Johnson. Tübingen: Francke, 1999.



    Theology Department
    Loyola University Chicago
    319 Crown Center
    1032 W. Sheridan Rd.
    Chicago, IL 60660, USA

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