Prof. Francis Schuessler-Fiorenzarofessor of Roman Catholic Theological Studies

    Research Profile

    Fundamental/foundational theology, contemporary hermeneutical theories, neo-pragmatic criticisms of foundationalism, theories of justice (John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas), political theology, work, welfare, nineteenth- and twentieth-century theology,

    Selected Publications

    transl. w. J. Duke: Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher: On the Glaubenslehre: Two Letters to Dr. Lücke. American Academy of Religion Texts and Translations Series, 1981.

    Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. New York: Crossroad, 1992.

    ed. with J. Galvin: Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. 2 vol.s, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1991.

    ed. with D. Browning: Habermas, Modernity, and Public Theology. New York: Crossroad, 1992.

    ed. with W. Beinert: Handbook of Catholic Theology. New York: Crossroad, 2000.

    with J. Livingston et al.: Modern Christian Thought, vol. 2: The Twentieth Century. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006.

    Rights at Risk: Confronting the Cultural, Ethical, and Religious Challenges. New York: Continuum, 2010.


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