Dr. Kenneth P. MinkemaExecutive Editor & Director, Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University

    Research Profile

    Research and writing includes all aspects of the life, texts, and legacies of Jonathan Edwards, as well as lay religious expression, occult beliefs and practices, gender, and missions from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.

    Teaching Profile

    Early American and Early Modern European religious history, with specialties in Puritanism, Witchcraft and Witch-hunting, and Revivalism.

    Selected Publications

    (ed.) Cotton Mather, Biblia Americana: America’s First Bible Commentary. Vol. III: Joshua-2 Chronicles (Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, and Baker Academic, 2013).

    (ed.) The Works of Jonathan Edwards, 14, Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729 (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1997).

    (ed. with John E. Smith and Harry S. Stout) A Jonathan Edwards Reader (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1995; rev. ed., 2003).

    (ed. with James F. Cooper, Jr.) The Sermon Notebook of Samuel Parris, 1689-1694 (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1994).

    (with Wilson Kimnach) “The Material and Social Practices of Intellectual Work on the Eighteenth-Century Frontier: Jonathan Edwards’s Study,” William and Mary Quarterly 69 (Oct. 2012), 683-730.

    “’Flee From Idols’: Cotton Mather on the Historical Books,” in Cotton Mather’s “Biblia Americana”: Historical and Intellectual Contexts in Transatlantic Perspective, ed. Reiner Smolinski and Jan Stievermann (Mohr-Siebeck, 2010), 277-94.

    “Community Structures in the Atlantic World, 1676-1802,” in Religion in American History, ed. Amanda Porterfield and John Corrigan (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), 134-50.

    (with Harry S. Stout) “The Edwardsean Tradition and the Antislavery Debate, 1740-1865,” Journal of American History 92 (June 2005), 1-28.

    “Old Age and Religion in the Writings and Life of Jonathan Edwards,” Church History 70 (Dec. 2001), 674-704.

    “Possession, Witchcraft, and the Demonic in Puritan Religious Culture” and “The Spiritual Meanings of Illness in 18th-Century New England,” in Colleen McDannell, ed., Religions of the United States in Practice (Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 2001), vol. 1.



    Yale Divinity School
    409 Prospect St.
    New Haven, CT 06511,USA

    Phone: 203-432-5341

    Email: kenneth.minkema@yale.edu
    Website: http://divinity.yale.edu/faculty-and-research/yds-faculty/kenneth-p-minkema

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