Prof. Gard GranerødProfessor

    Research Profile

    Granerød’s primary interest is the history of Judaean religion in the Persian period, with the main focus on the Judaean community in Elephantine in Achaemenid Egypt. He is involved in the research project Perception and Reception of Persia (PERSIAS), initiated and led by Prof. Kristin Joachimsen. Currently, he is also working on the Book of Lamentations. Another interest is scriptural hermeneutics / (inner-)biblical exegesis in the late texts of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and other Jewish texts from the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman periods. He has previously worked with the Melchizedek traditions of that time.

    Teaching Profile

    Granerød’s teaching responsibilities include the HB/OT courses on all levels offered at MF Norwegian School of Theology. He has experience with teaching courses on methods in the study of the Bible, the Book of Psalms, the Book of Deuteronomy and Deuteronomistic Literature, the prophetic literature (with an emphasis on the Book of Isaiah), and HB/OT theology. Also, he has taught introductory courses and intermediate-level interdisciplinary courses on the Old Testament and the Jewish roots of New Testament Christology.

    Selected Bibliography


    “Temple Destruction, Mourning and Curse in Elephantine, with a View to Lamentations.” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132 (2020): 84–107.

    “Canon and Archive: Yahwism in Elephantine and Āl-Yāḫūdu as a Challenge to the Canonical History of Judean Religion in the Persian Period.” Journal of Biblical Literature 138 (2019): 345–364.

    Dimensions of Yahwism in the Persian Period: Studies in the Religion and Society of the Judaean Community at Elephantine. BZAW 488. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2016.

    “The Former and the Future Temple of YHW in Elephantine: A Traditio-Historical Case Study of Ancient Near Eastern Antiquarianism.” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 127/1 (2015).

    “‘By the Favour of Ahuramazda I Am King’: On the Promulgation of a Persian Propaganda Text Among Babylonians and Judaeans.” Journal for the Study of Judaism 44 (2013): 455–480.

    “Om møtet mellom islams Koran-dogme og (vestlig) akademia” [ET: “On the Meeting Between Islam’s Dogma of the Qur’an and (Western) Academia.”] Teologisk Tidsskrift 1 (2012): 268–282.

    Abraham and Melchizedek. Scribal activity of Second Temple times in Genesis 14 and Psalm 110. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 406; Berlin: de Gruyter.

    “A Forgotten Reference to Divine Procreation? Psalm 2:6 in Light of Egyptian Royal Ideology.” Vetus Testamentum 60 (2010): 323–336.

    “Melchizedek in Hebrews 7.” Biblica 90 (2009): 188–202.

    “Omnipresent in Narratives, Disputed among Grammarians: Some Contributions to the Understanding of wayyiqtol and Their Underlying Paradigms.” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 121 (2009): 418–434.



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