SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)

Grants for early career researchers.

Submission deadline: 01.12.2023

Switzerland is considered a non-associated third country in the 2023 calls for projects in Horizon Europe (work programme 2023-2024) and related programmes and initiatives. This year, on behalf of the Swiss Confederation, the SNSF is launching a new call under the transitional measure SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships for people of all nationalities who were aiming to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF).

The scheme is open to all research disciplines and topics.

This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months.

The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow’s salary with social security contributions, financial contributions to research, and conference costs.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

For Foreign Scholars and Artists for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

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