Research Profile
Research interests: Biblical studies, early Christian archaeology and epigraphics, social history of the early church, Hellenistic background of early Christianity, rhetorical analysis of the New Testament, rhetorical analysis of the New Testament, hermeneutics, epistemological and methodological questions, constructivism and exegesis.
Current projects: 1-2 Cor. (commentary); the archaeological exploration of early Christian settlements in Phrygia (field work in Pepouza, Tymion, Simoe et al.); Christian, Jewish and pagan prophetic-charismatic phenomena in Greco-Roman times (including Montanism as a special focus).
Teaching Profile
Biblical studies, particularly Pauline, Lukan and apocalyptic literature; hermeneutics.
Selected Publications
From Paul to Valentinus: Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries. Minneapolis/ London, 2003.
Felsen im Fluss: Schriftworte in provokativer Auslegung zu Themen der Zeit. Neukirchen, 2004.
Wortglassplitter. Oberhausen, 2005.
Die Wirklichkeit als Bild: Das Neue Testament als ein Grunddokument abendländischer Kultur im Licht konstruktivistischer Epistemologie und Wissenssoziologie. Neukirchen 2006.
(with W. Tabbernee) Pepouza and Tymion: The Discovery and Archaeological Exploration of a Lost Ancient City and an Imperial Estate. Berlin/New York, 2007.
Küsste Jesus Magdalenen mitten auf den Mund? Provokationen, Einsprüche, Klarstellungen. Neukirchen, 2007.
Wissenschaftlich-Theologisches Seminar
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69117 Heidelberg, Germany
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