Research and Teaching Profile
Prof. Schweiker works in the field of theological ethics. His scholarship and teaching engage theological and ethical questions attentive to global dynamics, comparative religious ethics, the history of ethics, and hermeneutical philosophy. He is currently writing a book on “theological humanism.”
Selected Publications
Mimetic Reflections: A Study in Hermeneutics, Theology and Ethics. New York: Fordham University Press, 1990
Responsibility and Christian Ethics. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, Korean translation, 2000.
Power, Value and Conviction: Theological Ethics in the Postmodern Age. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1998, Korean translation, 2003.
Theological Ethics and Global Dynamics: In the Time of Many Worlds. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
“Radikale Interpretation und moralische Verantwortung: Grundlinien einer zeitgemäßen theologischen Ethik,” Evangelische Theologie 54 (1994): 227-240.
“Understanding Moral Meanings: On Philosophical Hermeneutics and Theological Ethics” in L. S. Cahill/J. Childress, eds., Christian Ethics: Problems and Prospects. Pilgrim Press, 1996, 72-92.
“Verantwortungsethik in einer Pluralistischen Welt: Schöpfung und die Integrität des Lebens” Evangelische Theologie 59 (1999), 320-335.
“Heilige Gewalt und der Wert der Macht: René Girards Opfertheorie und die Theologie der Kultur” in B. Janowski/M. Welker, eds., Opfer: Theologische und kulturellen Kontexte. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2000, 108-128.
“Die Hartnäckigkeit des Realismus: Gegenwärtige Strömungen in theologischer und nicht-theologischer Ethik” in J. Fischer/S. Grotefeld/P. Schaber (eds.), Moralischer Realismus: Theologische Beiträge zu einer philosophischen Debatte. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 2004, 27-52.
“On Religious Ethics,” in W. Schweiker (ed.), A Companion to Religious Ethics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
Religious Ethics: Meaning and Method (Wiley, 2020).
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